by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Nov 25, 2020 | change, compassion, Leadership, Mindfulness, Politics, RESET, Transformation
Chapter 1: Introduction We may think that compassion is being nice, which isn’t going to solve any problems. Yet, compassion is what gives us strength to be with the discomfort of not reacting and creates a space for mutual understanding, trust, and ultimately... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Jun 26, 2020 | change, compassion, Energy, Gratitude, Insight, Mindfulness, Politics, RESET, Transformation, Uncategorized
If you’re feeling a bit lost in your mindfulness practice recently, this is only normal. It’s tough to be mindful and meditate in a world turned upside down by the Coronavirus pandemic, the rapidly evolving Black Lives Matter movement, and the economic crisis. How do... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Jun 26, 2019 | compassion, Leadership, Mindful City, Mindfulness, Politics
You have probably heard the word, “mindfulness.” There are more than 1,000 mindfulness apps, 30,000 books on mindfulness on Amazon, and even products such as “Mindful Mayo” and “Mindful Meats.” Not sure how your Mayo or meat can be mindful, but I do believe in the... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Jan 25, 2019 | Confidence, Mindfulness, Politics
Continuing with the blog series on integrating mindfulness in everyday life, this is the second post on overcoming feelings of inadequacy to experience true confidence. We’ve all encountered situations where we felt inadequate, especially in first time situations like... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Dec 26, 2018 | Business, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Politics
As a mindfulness practitioner, researcher, and facilitator I have been interested in the benefits of mindfulness in our lives. Beyond the obvious benefits of stress reduction, how does mindfulness impact our decision making, our relationships, and our experience in...