by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | May 6, 2020 | change, Coronavirus, Emotional Intelligence, Health, Mindful Communication, Mindfulness, RESET, Self-Regulation
I Feel, Therefore I Act As much as we like to think of ourselves as logical and calculated beings, our emotions can quietly rule over our judgment and decision-making. According to Dr. Antonio Damasio, a leading neuroscientist, our decisions are the products of... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Apr 27, 2020 | change, Coronavirus, Insight, Lifestyle, Mindful Communication, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, RESET, Resilience, Transformation
Do you know how long an emotion lives in your body? According to Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a leading neuroscientist, it takes an emotion 90 seconds from the time it was triggered to subside. In reality, this is usually not how things play out. Emotions can be triggered... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Apr 20, 2020 | change, Coronavirus, Emotional Intelligence, Health, Insight, Lifestyle, Mindfulness
In the first three Friday Sessions, we covered various strategies to find inner calm and clarity during this unprecedented time. So far, we’ve learned how awareness of breath can help us manage stress, how mindful gratitude can bring us from a mindset of scarcity to... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Apr 13, 2020 | change, Coronavirus, Health, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, RESET
In the first two Friday sessions, we explored how the awareness of breath and gratitude practices allow us to develop inner calm and clarity. We also used these practices to help us move from a mindset of scarcity to that of growth. You can use these mindfulness... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Apr 3, 2020 | change, Coronavirus, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Insight, Mindfulness, RESET, Resilience
In the first session in this series, we looked at awareness of breath as a way to calm our minds once fight or flight mode has been engaged. In the second session, we are looking at the power of gratitude to shift our perspective from stress to inner calm.... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Mar 27, 2020 | Coronavirus, Health, Mindfulness, RESET
Thank you for attending the first mindfulness session on finding inner calm and clarity amidst the stress! If you couldn’t attend the live session, thank you for being here now. You can read about what we covered in the first session before trying the... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Mar 24, 2020 | Coronavirus, Energy, Insight, Mindfulness, RESET
In my meditation yesterday on energy, I discovered how out of balance I’ve been since the coronavirus crisis began. I thought I was doing the right things— I’ve been meditating daily, going for walks with my husband, and cooking with my son (who’s... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Mar 15, 2020 | Coronavirus, Health, Lifestyle, Mindfulness, RESET, Self-Regulation, Three Mindfulness Trainings
Are you feeling fearful about the Coronavirus? The outbreak is now a global pandemic. More than a thousand people have been infected in the U.S. with 38 dead. At this point, testing capacity is woefully lacking and there’s no known cure for it. So, yeah, it’s Ok to... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Dec 30, 2019 | Business, change, Health, Leadership, Mindfulness, RESET
If we can deeply understand the power of mind, how we can both injure and benefit this world, we see that practice isn’t a luxury, but rather an imperative. It’s like food and water. It returns us to ourselves, to our sanity, to our true capacity. ~ Geoffrey Shugen... by Shalini Bahl, Ph.D. | Jun 26, 2019 | compassion, Leadership, Mindful City, Mindfulness, Politics
You have probably heard the word, “mindfulness.” There are more than 1,000 mindfulness apps, 30,000 books on mindfulness on Amazon, and even products such as “Mindful Mayo” and “Mindful Meats.” Not sure how your Mayo or meat can be mindful, but I do believe in the...